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Professional Development

博彩网址大全不只是为毕业生准备富有成效的职业生涯. From 帮助你联系面试专家,帮助你建立人脉,你的母校就在这里 to help you start, change or advance your professional path.

你知道作为博彩网址大全的毕业生,你有终身的职业发展福利吗? 无论你是需要职业咨询,帮助你写你的履历,还是想要润色你的履历 interviewing skills, 博彩网址大全's Career Services 团队将为您连接校园资源,帮助您在专业上取得进步. You can also join our alumni professional development group on LinkedIn.

博彩网址大全 Connections

没有什么能比来自有经验的人的职业建议更好的了 when that advice comes from a Billiken.


博彩网址大全 Connections为学生、校友、教职员工提供在线职业指导 and parents.

如果你想从比利肯的同事那里得到职业指导 或者有兴趣给下一代你希望自己拥有的建议, check out 博彩网址大全 Connections, our online career advising program.

Professional Development Webinars

这个免费的专业发展网络研讨会系列将为您提供工具 you need to achieve your goals.

Career Services Benefits: What Can 博彩网址大全 Do For You?

You have career benefits through 博彩网址大全 for life. Join us as we discuss those benefits 以及作为校友如何利用博彩网址大全的就业服务.

Speaker: Cori Wagner, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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Networking and Branding

能够有效地传达你的个人品牌是建立关系网的第一步. 本次网络研讨会将讨论如何建立和维护你的网络和个人品牌. 课程的主题包括人际关系的重要性,如何表现出你最好的和专业的一面 自我,互动的专业性,以及后续的礼仪.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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Résumé and Cover Letters

你想学习如何让你的文件在雇主面前脱颖而出吗? On average, 雇主一开始扫描一份简历的时间只有20到30秒. Here, we discuss effective 关于如何使你的简历在求职中有效的技巧和建议.

Speaker: Diane Devine, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor (A&S '00)

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Ethical Leadership

学习如何将博彩网址大全的使命和耶稣会传统带入你的职业生涯,翻译 these values into action.

Speaker:贝丝-安妮·雅库布,圣路易斯爱默生领导力研究所执行主任 University (CSB '09)

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Career Exploration: Re-transitioning

It's not unusual to ask, “Am I too late?" or "Where do I want to go next?" when exploring a first, second, third or even fourth career. This webinar will give you successful 有效探索你的职业兴趣并过渡到的策略 your next opportunity. 你会了解你自己,工作的世界,目标的设定 and how to effectively research your career interests.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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Interviewing 101

Need help selling yourself in an interview? This webinar will discuss one of the final steps in the job search process: interviewing. Topics will include what to expect 面试前,面试中和面试后,如何准备,练习和表现,类型 面试和提问,职业着装,以及后续礼仪.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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The Importance of "Being," Professionally and Personally

在职业上和个人上,我们都被要求做更多的事情,取得更多的成就 be more ‘successful.“我们知道,这种融入世界的方式需要付出巨大的努力 toll mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. We explore underlying motivations 让我们忙碌起来,开始评估我们的整体健康,讨论简单的工具 帮助我们后退一步,以便向前迈进,并制定蓝图,以帮助 引导我们在职业和个人方面可以采取的下一步行动.

Speaker: Lubna Somjee, Ph.D. (A&S '93)

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Developing and Leading High-Performance Teams 

组织成功的关键在于驾驭团队的力量. This webinar 会帮助你发展所需的技能和工具,以最大限度地发挥多样性的潜力吗 提高生产力、效率和效力的团队.

Speaker: William M. Klepper, Ph.D. (A&S '66, Grad Ed. '67, Grad '75)

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Using Social Media In Your Job Search

本次网络研讨会将讨论最常用的社交媒体平台 招聘人员,以及求职者应该如何积极地利用每个平台 market themselves and search for job opportunities. Job seekers should walk away knowing 成功求职所需的社交媒体礼仪.

Speaker: Jordan Watson, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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Top 10 Ways to Scare An Employer During the Job Search


Speaker: Diane Devine, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor (A&S '00)

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Navigating the Glass and Concrete Ceiling

公司比以往任何时候都更多地讨论性别和种族平等的重要性 in the workplace. 然而,进展仍然缓慢,妇女继续面临重大挑战 barriers. 本次网络研讨会将涵盖女性、盟友和领导力的一些初始工具 can use to address the glass and concrete ceiling.

Speaker: Lubna Somjee, Ph.D. (A&S '93)

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Multiple Generations at Work

和我们一起讨论每一代人如何为你的团队带来不同的优势 and workplace. Please keep in mind that these are generalizations.

Speaker: Diane Devine, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor (A&S ’00)

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Phone and Video Interviewing


Speaker: Ahmar Ursani, 博彩网址大全 Career Counselor

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薪资谈判可能是求职过程中压力最大的部分之一. 加入我们,了解如何为薪资谈判做准备并获得最大收益 conversation. 

Speakers:斯坦福大学职业顾问Eliza Angarano和斯坦福大学职业顾问Cori Wagner

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Corporate Connections

博彩网址大全可以来找你:在你的同事和大学中与其他比利肯人建立联系 faculty and staff by hosting a Corporate Connections event. The Office of Alumni Engagement 会协助在贵公司举办一个方便的招待会吗. For more information, contact or 314-977-2250.